

Man Shiksha Mandir

About Man Shikshya Mandir

Nestled in the serene and pollution-free surroundings of Bharatpur, Chitwan, Man Shiksha Mandir (MSM) emerges as a distinguished co-educational English medium private boarding school. Positioned to the east of Narayangarh, en route to Gorkhali tole, MSM offers students a nurturing environment enriched with modern amenities and a tranquil atmosphere. Committed to holistic education, MSM cultivates critical thinking, creativity, and moral values among its students. With a focus on academic excellence and character development, MSM prepares its students to become responsible, empathetic, and visionary leaders of tomorrow.


Academic Excellence

Fostering intellectual growth through rigorous curriculum and high academic standards for student success.

Character Development

Developing strong moral values and ethical behavior to foster responsible, respectful, and empathetic individuals.

Holistic Development

Promoting physical, emotional, and social well-being alongside academic achievements for balanced personal growth.

Leadership & Innovation

Encouraging creative problem-solving and leadership skills to inspire future leaders and innovative thinkers.

Life at MSM

Life at MSM is more than just academics. Here, you’ll build lifelong friendships and develop your skills through sports, clubs, and extracurricular activities, all of which prepare you for the real world.


Book Less Friday


Sports Games

msm image

Music & Dance

School Gallery

Message From Principal

Indresh Shah

The true prosperity of a country does not rely on the abundance of its revenues, the strength of its fortifications, or the beauty of its public buildings, but rather, it is fundamentally based on the quality of its educational institutions, the cultivation of its citizens, and the availability of resources that promote education, enlightenment, and character development. It is the scholars and soldiers who ultimately make or mar the destiny of a nation. What our youth think today, the nation will think tomorrow. Therefore, we must diligently nourish them with comprehensive facilities that cater to every side of their nature, developing them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, so that they mature into gentlemen who respect themselves and those around them, thereby shaping the future of our nation with integrity and respect.